Microsoft News
Posted On Friday, December 26, 2008 at di 7:26 AM by demithackMicrosoft on Tuesday (09/09) and has launched a security bulletin summary for September 2008. Four of the other bulletin, the Windows GDI +, Windows Media Player, and Microsoft Office OneNote, and the fourth has received the full attention of Microsoft and the government will provide the results of the IE patch from the weakness this month. Begin next month, Microsoft plans to share technical details of the weaknesses that exist in the software owned by Microsoft, which are the products affected fell the impact, before the software was announced to the public.
In addition, in October, Microsoft will also start providing bulletin, each with a Exploitability Index to help system administrators to enter the patch in the bulletin. All Microsoft security patches, either to Windows or Office may be obtained from the Microsoft Update or description below:
MS08-052, with the title "Vulnerabilities in GDI + Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954593)." Weakness is no software on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 when installed in Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. In addition, there are also Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006, SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Service Pack 2, all of the SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Report Viewer 2005 Service Pack 1, and Microsoft Report Viewer 2008. Microsoft to reveal the weaknesses in all the software can cause the execution of certain code, if users see an image file terentu use the software on or browsing the website contains content that the 'evil'.
MS08-053, with the title "Vulnerability in Windows Media Encoder 9 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954156)." Weakness can be berimbas on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. Microsoft mengunkapkan weakness namely the cause of the execution of the code of 'evil', if users visit the 'evil'. Attacker successfully exploit the weaknesses in the software, and will take over full control system.
MS08-054, with the title "Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954154)." These weaknesses will give effect to the Windows Media Player 11. Microsoft explains that the weakness in the Windows Media Player 11 can facilitate the execution of remote code by the attacker, when audio files' evil 'into the Windows Media server. If users log on using a key adiministratif property users, the attacker who successfully exploit this weakness can take to control the entire computer system.
MS08-055, with the title "Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (955047)." Weakness occurred in the Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 and Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, and 2007 Microsoft Office System. Microsoft explains, if a user to click a URL OneNote 'evil', then the attacker will then be easy to control the computer system users.