Parameter Konfigurasi Minimal Ruter ADSL
Posted On Thursday, January 15, 2009 at di 8:51 AM by demithackUntuk dapat beroperasi dengan baik secara minimal tidak banyak sebetulnya harus harus di konfigurasi dari sebuah modem ADSL. Proses konfigurasi hampir semua modem menggunakan Web, sebagian modem ada yang memberikan software tambahan di PC untuk mempermudah konfigurasi. Minimal sekali yang perlu di konfigurasi adalah akses / account ke ADSL & ISP dengan berbekal informasi
Tipe sambungan
DNS Server ISP
Umumnya peralatan ADSL yang di instalasi di jaringan telkom menggunakan mesin Alcatel dengan parameter,
VCI 35
Tipe sambungan LCC PPPoA
Sementara username dan password biasanya diberikan dari penyedia jasa Internet / ISP. IP address dari ADSL biasanya dialokasikan secara automatis kepada modem kita, sehingga kita tidak perlu mengkonfigurasinya lagi. Beberapa penyedia jasa ADSL yang memberikan akses unlimited kadang kala memberikan alokasi IP address statik ke masing-masing pelanggan.
Kadang kala kita membutuhkan informasi DNS server bagi client computer yang tersambung di LAN. Sebetulnya informasi DNS server biasanya akan di set secara automatis oleh ISP. Bagi mereka yang menggunakan Speedy dapat menggunakan
Kadang kala akan membantu juga untuk menset jenis mode / modulasi modem yang digunakan. Sebetulnya mode / modulasi ini tidak perlu di sentuh, dapat di operasikan secara automatis. Kadang kala ada modem yang tidak berhasil mendetek. Pengalaman saya, untuk jaringan Telkom dapat beroperasi menggunakan
Mode / Modulasi G.dmt
Oleh : Onno W. Purbo
Register Processors
Posted On at di 8:08 AM by demithackRegister processors, computer architecture, is a small amount of computer memory that works with very high speed that is used to perform the execution of computer programs by providing rapid access to the values of the public to use. Generally, the values that are commonly used values that are executed in a certain time.
Register processors stood at its highest level in the hierarchy of memory: this means that the speed is the fastest, most capacity is small and the price of each is the most high bitnya. Register is also used as the most rapid in the computer system to perform data manipulation. Register generally measured with a bit that can ditampung by it, such as "8-bit register", "16-bit register", "32-bit register", or "register a 64-bit" and others.
The term can register at this time referring to the set of registers that can be indexed directly to do the input / output of an instruction is defined by a set of instructions. for this term, digunakanlah the words "Register Architecture." For example Intel x86 instruction set defines a set of eight to register with the fruit size of 32-bit, but the CPU is the x86 instruction set may contain more than eight 32-bit register.
Register divided into several classes:
* Register data, which is used to store the numbers in the integer (integer).
* Register the address, which is used to store memory addresses and also to access the memory.
* General purpose register, which can be used to store numbers and addresses of all at once.
* Register floating-point, which is used to store the numbers float point numbers (floating-point).
* Register constant (constant registers), which is used to store the numbers remain that can only be read (a read-only), such as phi, null, true, false and other.
* Register vectors, which is used to store the results of vector processing done by the SIMD processor.
* Special purpose register that can be used to save internal data processors, as well as the instruction pointer, stack pointer, and the status register.
* Register for a specific model of machine (machine-specific registers), in particular some of the architecture, used to store data or settings associated with the processor itself. Because the meaning of each register directly inserted in a specific processor design course, this type of register may not be a standard between processor generations.
The following table lists the size of a register and prosesornya
Processor register
4-bit Intel 4004
8-bit Intel 8080
16-bit Intel 8086, Intel 8088, Intel 80286
32-bit Intel 80386DX, Intel 80486, Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium Pro, Intel Pentium II, Intel Pentium III, Intel Pentium 4, Intel Celeron, Intel Xeon, AMD K5, AMD K6, AMD Athlon, AMD Athlon MP, AMD Athlon XP , AMD Athlon 4, AMD Duron, AMD Sempron
64-bit Intel Itanium, Intel Itanium 2, Intel Xeon, Intel Core, Intel Core 2, AMD Athlon 64, AMD Athlon X2, AMD Athlon FX, AMD Turion 64, AMD Turion X2, AMD Sempron