Computer Beeb
Posted On Thursday, December 25, 2008 at di 8:56 PM by demithackBeep-noise in your computer
You may not notice too sounds on a computer other than MP3 music files that are tuneful organization loyal support you, besides the music sound, the sound may be the computer that is always with the sound of your voice digital terengan one time when you start the computer. Actually adabunyi-play sounds that your computer other than the sounds being. Those who have been dismal in the cross duinia computer beeps as usual enyebut code.
What is the actual code beeps this? beeps cod families eini normal dianalogikan with photos on the human aura that can detect any disease that is on someone. If the image on the aura of color tipa identified the symptoms of the disease, also with the existing code beeps on each computer. Yes, enough heed to the "song" that didendangkan by the BIOS is, "disease" or the problems that exist on the PC can be detected early.
There are two standards that are usually used on most PC beeps code is made lynziedoll and American Megatrends Inc.. Well, now soon find out, the standard which is used for your PC! To find out, just to see the motherboard manual that you buy or restart your PC and go on the system BIOS. Where you can find the system BIOS that you use.
1. There Same Without Beep Once
If you do not hear the sound of sam once in the BIOS, which means there are 3 possible problems that are faced by the PC. First try priksa power supply your computer, whether working with the good or not. If there is no tension at all the entry, it means that there are problems in these components. Second possibility is the motherboard that "tendentious". Check if your motherboard is still functioning well. The third possibility is the internal speakers of your good or not is not the speakers mounted on the appropriate jack.
2. Beep One time
The word "I" can you speak as gratitude. Yes, it sounds all the components of the system indicates that the PC concerned with the good work. But the sound of beeps once heard, but no images of any visible, check whether the interface cable from the monitor is connected to the video port on the line. If you use a graphic card, define the monitor cable must be connected to the graphics card is danbukan the onboard video port on the motherboard. But, if all is okay, but the picture still not visible on the screen monitor?
If the circumstances occur, we can be sure that the motherboard you have a problem with the Chip-related matters graphic. The first step is done the SIMM and then do the re-booting. If conditions remain the same, this marks one of the damaged indeed Chips. Step one is the most secure change your graphics card.
3. Two beeps time
If this sounds of beeps you hear, there is something wrong in less memory on your PC. Check the video or graphical facilities available. If this video facilities working with both on screen error message will appear. When this facility is not working, there is a problem with the parity in the first 64KB. You should do is check the SIMM. Replace the components of this correctly and do re-booting. If this still sounds as it sounds, it means there is damage on Chip memory. Laian jugabisa way you do that is by changing the position of Chip the first memory with the second. There is a good idea to check your manual in the first place where the first position memory on the motherboard of your life. When the used memory was still in excellent condition, it means the damage is on the motherboard.
4. Three beeps time
If this sounds like you heard, do check the rare number three. Usually this indicates the noise damage or error almost the same with the sound of beeps twice.
5. Four beeps time
Errors that occurred resulted BIOS "sing" as this is almost the same with the sound of beeps twice or three times. Step-rare number three can be done again to check for errors. At the sound of beeps, the problem can also because the timer on the PC less work.
6. Five beeps time
This marks the sound of your motherboard is "protest" because of something related memory. Check whether there is a memory that position is correct. After that do re-booting. If all these steps have been made but the BIOS is still "howl-roaring" like this, it marks the motherboard you have to be replaced. There are other tips that can be done when these problems occur. Change your processor, though how this can be quite expensive.
7. Six-time beeps
If the BIOS "whimper" as this means that the problem is happening on the chipsets in the motherboard that controls the functions of the keyboard of your PC. Set back position if the chipset found Chip is not disolder. If the noise is still beeps as it sounds, this chipset change if possible. If not, again, forced to replace your motherboard, especially if the chipset found this is tersolder dead on his body.
8. Seven-time beeps
The "siren" danger signs from the BIOS as this sounds, ready-prepared you bearable bear the losses around. There are two possible damage that occurred. The possibility that your processor is the first one broken legs or processor is not working normally. The possibility of a second, the motherboard you less wrong. If your curious, you try to install the motherboard of the PC to another. If the processor was running normally, the damage is located on the motherboard. All that depends on the damage that occurred.
9. Eight beeps time
Ensure there is a problem that occurs on the graphics card you use. Make sure the graphics card has been inserted correctly in its port. Ternya if the BIOS is still removing the "nyanyiannya", it means your graphics card damaged in whole or in memory that is damaged. The best way that should be done is change the graphics card you use.
10. Nine beeps time
This means that your BIOS is broken. Change the BIOS or upgrade your BIOS. I still also damaged, replace motherboardnya.
11. Ten beeps time
You Maslaha located in the CMOS. All that is connected with Chip CMOS CMOS should be replaced due to the "media" is. The most telling tips to overcome this problem are to replace the motherboard with a new you.
12. Eleven beeps time
Had this sound as the exit from the speakers for your PC, meaning that the problem lies in the chace and the memory of your PC automatically downloading it will make you. You should do is re-activate by pressing the button + ctrl-alt-shift +. But if the trick is also not effective treat "disease", replace your memory.