Ingin Dapatkan Informasi dan Trik-trik Terbaru Tentang Komputer Klik Disini


Content adalah raja. Itulah kunci sukses untuk mendapatkan rangking yang tinggi pada search engine. Bagian ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana merancang isi halaman web yang search engine friendly. Namun tetap harus dijaga, agar visitor Anda betah membacanya. newscomputeronlines

Satu hal yang perlu diingat adalah website yang Anda miliki dirancang untuk visitor, bukan untuk search engine. Janganlah terlalu berlebihan hanya karena ingin mendapat rangking yang tinggi, tapi justru membuat isi halaman web tidak enak untuk dibaca. Jika hal ini tidak Anda perhatikan, maka visitor hanya akan datang sekali saja dan mereka akan enggan untuk berkunjung lagi. Langkah pertama, susunlah isi web Anda secara biasa. Buat kalimat-kalimat yang menarik dan enak untuk dibaca. Tetapi usahakan agar keyword-keyword pada meta tag, terpakai pada kalimat-kalimat di awal paragraf. Jagalah agar topiknya tidak terlalu meluas dan tetap spesifik. Sebuah halaman web yang baik hanya berisi dua sampai tiga fokus bahasan. Kalau dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, ini disebut pokok pikiran yang menjiwai sebuah karangan :)

Ok, langkah selanjutnya optimalkan halaman web Anda dengan tips-tips berikut ini.

1. Perhatikan penggunaan gambar. Hindari penggunaan gambar/image yang terlalu berat pada web Anda. Usahakan agar ukuran halaman web + gambar tetap dibawah 64 kb. Gunakan software-software seperti Adobe Photoshop (menu file - save for web) untuk mengoptimalkan gambar. Penggunaan Flash dan Java yang berlebihan sebaiknya dihindari.

2. Hindari pemakaian frame. Frame memang baik dipakai sebagai navigasi, tetapi bisa membingungkan search engine. Halaman utama frameset biasanya tidak berisi content apa-apa.

Kalaupun Anda terpaksa menggunakan frame, ingatlah mencantumkan tag noframe noframe dan tuliskan rangkuman dari isi halaman web Anda pada tag tersebut agar search engine yang tidak mendukung frame masih bisa membacanya.

3. Rancanglah agar web Anda bisa dibaca oleh semua browser. Halaman web yang tampak cantik di Internet Explorer kadang-kadang hanya tampak blank pada Netscape Navigator. Hati-hatilah dengan hal ini karena bisa menurunkan rangking pada search engine. Bukankah kecantikan itu juga relatif bagi setiap orang :)

4. Gunakan keyword utama pada title halaman web. Isi dari tag title title sangat berpengaruh pada rangking search engine. Rancanglah sebuah title yang menarik untuk dibaca dan jaga agar ukurannya tidak melebihi 70 karakter.

5. Usahakan agar halaman web Anda memakai page headline (H1-6), dan gunakan keyword utama sebagai H1 headline H1. Hindari pemakaian font yang terlalu kecil font size="1" dan susah dibaca.

6. Jika Anda memasang image ingatlah agar selalu melengkapinya dengan atribut alt. Beberapa search engine menggunakan alt tag sebagai pedoman relevansi hasil pencarian. IMG SRC="gambar.jpg" ALT="tambahkan beberapa keyword utama disini".

7. Meskipun tidak banyak, beberapa search engine juga membaca comment tag. Isilah comment tag Anda dengan beberapa keyword yang relevan.

Beberapa search engine utama seperti Altavista dan Google memberikan poin lebih banyak untuk paragraf-paragraf yang letaknya di awal. Jadi seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, usahakan memakai keyword-keyword andalan Anda di awal halaman.

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Memahami teknik SEO yang mitos dan teknik SEO yang fakta

gambar tips SEO SEO only myths or facts? Not all SEO techniques that you find on the Internet is real and proven. But not all SEO techniques just myths that there are stark. Some obvious, some not yet proven. I confused? Not really. Let's see together with a reference document on SEO, which officially comes from Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

SEO techniques are real

1. Perbanyak number of links to web pages

The more pages that point to a web page, then it's correct web page will have an increasingly good position in the Search Engine. Basically is a statement in a page google Google Friendly Site. Naturally, if your blog or website is good, people will install itself on the link in their pages. Is not natural, you can blogwalking in dofollow or ask the owner to exchange links with other website or blog.

2. Keyword and quality articles

Many times mentioned in Google's Webmaster Guidelines, Yahoo! Search Content Quality Guidelines, and MSN Guidelines for successful indexing, that the content or quality of the content is the main thing. Okey quality content, but the main page on how to distinguish the quality or not? How do I distinguish the page is suitable for that keyword diketikkan visitors in search engines? If we can what-you, if we are asked to create a search engine, or arrange search engine algorithms, of which we note is the number of keywords and keyword position in the article are not?

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Staying Informed Without Drowning in Data

Staying Informed Without Drowning in Data

Illustration by Lloyd Miller

Published: December 17, 2008

I’M a reporter and I write about the Internet. I write about its culture, its latest developments and the people and companies involved. You may think this means I spend a lot of time watching videos of advice-dispensing ninjas and funny photographs of cats but that, sadly, is not the case.

What I do spend a lot of time doing is scouring the Internet for information and news. This is great because the Internet makes this easier than ever. This is also a huge pain because the Internet makes this easier than ever. There’s a never-ending sea of news sources, and if I just plunge in headfirst, I’ll probably get overwhelmed in minutes. And yet to be ahead of the news, I can’t just read the big, mainstream publications — I have to dig deeper and find more specialized sites and blogs that are often closer to the action.

The key is to manage the information overflow. This can be done through sites and services that filter and curate the online news-scape into something I can actually digest. With a little time spent exploring and tailoring these sites, you too can get better, deeper information on subjects you care about — and it won’t take you days to sort through it all.

With millions of Web sites and blogs, there’s no shortage of news, so some filtering is required. Social news sites are one place to begin the culling. They rely on the wisdom of the crowds to determine which headlines are newsworthy by seeing which headlines are being read most. The community of users at sites like Digg, Reddit, Propeller and Delicious rank stories in order of importance, creating a list of stories you can refer to at will.

But why skim through the top articles on just one social news site when you can track what’s bubbling up across the majority of those sites? NewzNozzl pulls top news stories from the above-mentioned social bookmarking sites as well as Mixx, Propeller and Newsvine to create a prefiltered flow of hot news items. Like Digg and its social bookmarking brethren, NewzNozzl welcomes interested parties to join the service to vote and share stories within the site.

There are pitfalls to relying on a vast community of users. They may prefer to popularize more sensational news headlines like “Former Miss America Pops Out Her Tooth” and “The 6 Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit in Your Shoe).” If that isn’t quite what you’re looking for, try sites like Addictomatic, Yahoo Buzz or BuzzTracker. These sites eschew the system of ranking user-submitted stories by popular votes and instead, rely on stories collected from a preapproved list of publishers.

BuzzTracker, for example, follows more than 100,000 different news sources as diverse as Boing Boing and The Washington Post, and presents its daily list of offerings in an accessible layout. Addictomatic delivers a compact snapshot of the news from a host of sources. For example, a quick search for the comedian Tina Fey returns top Google News searches, YouTube videos and Flickr photos compiled onto a single page.

If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, hop over to one of my personal favorites, BuzzFeed, a site that employs both paid staff and volunteers to create a user-generated hot list of newsworthy items. Browsing the site can be a little risky, as submissions run the gamut from breaking political news to stills from celebrity sex tapes, but BuzzFeed has rewarded me with gems like the Lasagna Cat (vintage Garfield comic strips re-enacted as live-action Web shorts) and newly born Internet memes (like Disaster Girl).

For a more tailored approach, RSS subscribers like Google Reader, FeedDemon and Bloglines have long offered ways to collect content from blogs and news sites and put them into a simple combined list of stories that you can check in on periodically. But there’s a major pitfall to using RSS feeds: Given the vast smorgasbord of news feeds at your disposal, it’s easy to overindulge on news subscriptions. Too many feeds can cause your number of subscriptions to become bloated and unmanageable. (At last glance, my RSS reader has more than 30,000 unread items from 500 different feeds, sorted into a dozen or so different folders.)

Here’s where RSS tools can come in handy. RSS filters like ReadBurner and RSSMeme are applications that pick out the most popular links from RSS aggregating sites like Google Reader. They work similarly to Digg, but rather than tally the popularity of an article by votes, they generate lists based on the number of times a particular article has been shared across certain RSS subscribers.

The content streaming down these sites throughout the day tends to be a hodgepodge of random articles and breaking news. Recently, sprinkled in among reports of President Bush’s near miss with a pair of size 10 shoes were the equally eye-grabbing headlines “Ms Pacman Tattoo” and “Video Game Design Between 1990-2008.” Guaranteed procrastination aids, perhaps, but entertaining nonetheless. And the mixed bag of headlines doubles as a fascinating overview of the news climate — a cross-section of what’s capturing the interest of hundreds of Web surfers at any given moment.

LinkRiver is another spin on an RSS filter, but this particular service concentrates your content and bookmarks from a variety of RSS subscriptions — Google Reader, Delicious, Yahoo! Bookmarks — into a single, steady stream of links. More interestingly, LinkRiver lets you read what other people are reading. And not just a faceless community of users, either — LinkRiver lets you browse the pooled content of its members or home in on specific contributors, which include tech bloggers like Robert Scoble; entrepreneurs like Evan Williams, founder of the microblogging platform Twitter; and Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape.

Alternatively, you can isolate a handful of your own RSS feeds and transform that data into a format that resembles a newspaper. Tabbloid, created by Hewlett-Packard, rounds up as few or as many news feeds as you like and cobbles them together into a makeshift newsletter or tabloid format, then delivers it in PDF format via e-mail at the desired frequency, either daily or weekly. Feedbooks, an e-Book platform, also offers a version of a digitized newsstand that can be delivered to a laptop or mobile device not only in PDF but also in formats compatible with a Cybook or a Sony Reader.

Finally, don’t fear Twitter. Don’t worry about learning how to friend and follow on the service — you can transform Twitter into a useful and relatively unobtrusive news ticker. Start by downloading a desktop application like Twirl and subscribing to various news feeds — The New York Times, CNN, The Huffington Post, National Public Radio, to name a few.

Or seek out companies you could use updates on — a recent update on JetBlue, for example, read “Did you know we can fit 5 surfboards in our E-190 aircraft? Orlando to San Jose, Costa Rica, starts March 26.” A recent tweet from Starbucks’s headquarters in Seattle offered information on drink ingredients and holiday store hours.

But before you get too Twitter-happy, a word of caution: Anyone can create a Twitter account with no identity verification, so take some accounts — like certain celebrity streams — with a big grain of salt. You can often check the veracity with a blog post on a company Web site confirming its existence. After all, if you’re going to limit the information you get online, you’re going to want to make sure the information you get is right.

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Baru Sembuh dari Cedera, Jerry Yan Langsung Terima Tawaran Baru, Taiwan - Menyebut nama Jerry Yan, yang langsung teringat adalah personil F4 yang penampilannya bisa disaksikan dalam waktu dekat di Basketball Fire alias Hot Shot (籃球火) bersama Wu Zun dan Show Luo.

Baru saja merampungkan serial idola alias ouxiangju yang rencananya ditayangkan di bulan Juli 2008 tersebut, aktor yang kini telah mempunyai manajemen sendiri itu langsung menyambar kesempatan untuk tampil di Starlit (星心的淚光).

di serial yang punya judul lain Xing Xin De Lei Guang, Jerry bakal beradu akting dengan Terri Kwan (terakhir tampil di Wish to See You Again) dan Alice Ceng (yang mencuri perhatian ketika tampil bersama Jay Chou di Secret).

Merupakan hasil kolabotasi antara perusahaan Jepang dan Taiwan, tidak mengherankan bila saat digelar acara konferensi persnya tanggal 7 April 2008 silam, lokasi acara dipadati oleh pers dan penggemar dari kedua negara.

Keputusan pria kelahiran 1977 tersebut untuk tampil di Xing Xin De Lei Guang sendiri sebenarnya tidak mengherankan. Pasalnya selain didukung skenario yang bagus, sutradaranya adalah Lin He Long yang sukses di sejumlah serial seperti Devil Beside You, Corner with Love dan Romantic Princess.

Yang menarik, sutradara Lin yang dikenal emosional mengaku bahwa kebiasaannya yang suka memarahi aktor dan aktris yang diarahkannya terhenti saat bekerja sama dengan Jerry. Menurutnya, hal itu dikarenakan pria bernama panjang Yan Cheng Xu itu sangat serius dan kerap malah mengoreksi kesalahannya sendiri.(berbagai sumber/mdL)

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Laptop Rusak, Wu Zun Takut Foto-Foto Pribadinya Tersebar, Taiwan - Di dunia yang semakin modern, memahami perkembangan teknologi adalah keharusan bagi selebritis. Hal itu juga dilakukan oleh Wu Zun, yang belum lama ini kelabakan saat laptop kesayangannya dikabarkan rusak.

Begitu mendengar bahwa bagian laptop-nya yang rusak memerlukan waktu dua bulan untuk bisa diganti, Wu Zun kabarnya begitu kuatir. Bahkan dari jauh-jauh hari, ia mewanti-wanti pihak manajemen untuk mengirim salah seorang staf demi memperhatikan proses perakitan dari awal sampai akhir.

Ketakutan personil Fahrenheit itu yang sangat berlebihan keruan saja mencuatkan dugaan ada 'sesuatu' didalam laptopnya yang sangat pribadi dan tidak boleh bocor ke media supaya kejadian serupa yang menimpa Edison Chen dan akhirnya berkembang jadi skandal berskala besar tidak terulang. Benarkah begitu?

Ketika ditanya soal foto apa saja yang membuatnya begitu takut membetulkan laptop, Wu Zun dengan wajah malu menyebut, "Tidak ada foto yang berlebihan kok, paling cuma gambar-gambar diriku tanpa mengenakan baju." Ungkapan tersebut semakin menegaskan kalau pria kelahiran 1979 tersebut ternyata memang narsis seperti yang pernah dilontarkan sejumlah pihak.

Belakangan sambil tersenyum bandel, pria bernama asli Goh Kiat Cun menyebut bahwa laptop-nya juga berisi foto-foto orang lain dan salah satunya yang tidak boleh dilihat orang lain adalah klip dimana rekannya Calvin Chen berdansa striptease.

Namun dengan cepat Wu Zun menambahkan bahwa Calvin tidak benar-benar streaptease, hanya saja gerakan tubuhnya terlihat begitu lucu saat meliuk-liuk dan (pastinya) akan sangat memalukan bila jadi kosnsumsi publik. Wah, jadi pengen lihat nih..........(libertytimes/mdL)

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Microsoft News

Microsoft on Tuesday (09/09) and has launched a security bulletin summary for September 2008. Four of the other bulletin, the Windows GDI +, Windows Media Player, and Microsoft Office OneNote, and the fourth has received the full attention of Microsoft and the government will provide the results of the IE patch from the weakness this month. Begin next month, Microsoft plans to share technical details of the weaknesses that exist in the software owned by Microsoft, which are the products affected fell the impact, before the software was announced to the public.
In addition, in October, Microsoft will also start providing bulletin, each with a Exploitability Index to help system administrators to enter the patch in the bulletin. All Microsoft security patches, either to Windows or Office may be obtained from the Microsoft Update or description below:

MS08-052, with the title "Vulnerabilities in GDI + Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954593)." Weakness is no software on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 when installed in Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. In addition, there are also Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006, SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Service Pack 2, all of the SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Report Viewer 2005 Service Pack 1, and Microsoft Report Viewer 2008. Microsoft to reveal the weaknesses in all the software can cause the execution of certain code, if users see an image file terentu use the software on or browsing the website contains content that the 'evil'.
MS08-053, with the title "Vulnerability in Windows Media Encoder 9 Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954156)." Weakness can be berimbas on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. Microsoft mengunkapkan weakness namely the cause of the execution of the code of 'evil', if users visit the 'evil'. Attacker successfully exploit the weaknesses in the software, and will take over full control system.
MS08-054, with the title "Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954154)." These weaknesses will give effect to the Windows Media Player 11. Microsoft explains that the weakness in the Windows Media Player 11 can facilitate the execution of remote code by the attacker, when audio files' evil 'into the Windows Media server. If users log on using a key adiministratif property users, the attacker who successfully exploit this weakness can take to control the entire computer system.
MS08-055, with the title "Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (955047)." Weakness occurred in the Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 and Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, and 2007 Microsoft Office System. Microsoft explains, if a user to click a URL OneNote 'evil', then the attacker will then be easy to control the computer system users.

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Computer Tips

PC you do not want to act at all? Hard drives are not detected, optical drives, which feels slow, the monitor that is not optimal appearance, or a router that is too often hangs? Do not panic, find the solution here!

Occasionally this can only happen. Suddenly berulah PC, and can not be resolved easily. Although you have read various troubleshooting guide on the manual is available. And this also happens to you.

Does not take the situation and conditions, a system can berulah. Can only do after you update the driver. Or after the addition of additional devices on your system. Or occur suddenly, without warning or notice.

And this review will discuss matters of the above. Do not fidget and need to panic them.

Sitting quietly, and just follow the discussion this time. Hopefully one of them is the answer from the problem that you face your pet with a PC.

Latest, Not Free means Bug

Not necessarily the latest technology to provide the best for users. Even some times our own witness, products that promote the latest technology, the initial batch also accompanied by problems perbagai enough spin.

For example, the motherboard with the latest chipset. Here are some cases that are often perceived to be members of the PC Media lab. Need to be held some small-scale research, to be able to run a series of tests with perfect. Start from the occasional search for updated BIOS, or simply update the driver manually update from the tar-products concerned.

Another example is to test the video card. With competition increasing sharpness ATI Radeon and Nvidia, make different products with the latest chipset, and hold on to our lab. That ultimately require the patch software testing solutions. To be able to run it.

Then, with what is happening in the real world? In everyday use with your PC

Opening Step

As in chess, the first step will be very decisive. Likewise, in solving the problems that occur with your PC.

In this subbahasan, will contain about the most important step in trying to resolve problems with your PC. What's important is trying to find out what causes your PC berulah. Changes in the past what happens on your PC?

This is very important to be. Given that, this will facilitate the resolution is to be done. Adjusted to potential problems that occur. From here, allows the possibility to narrow the issues that occur with your PC.

01. PC not react, the Power button is pressed.

Problem: You press the power button to activate your PC, but PC does not show tandatanda life. What happened?

Solution: If this happens on your PC, there is some possibility that must be examined one by one gradually.

Step 1: Check all the electricity network, from the AC outlet to the PSU (power supply unit) of your PC. What is already installed perfectly. Ensure the switch from the PSU in the ON position, or if you use a UPS (uniterruptable power supply) and / or stabilizer AVR (Automated voltage regulator). Make sure all the positions on the situation and work with both.

Step 2: If this is not the cause, then the next new on your PC. Make sure all cables (especially the power cable) and components installed properly. Mebuka how the chassis, then hit back-nekan component cables and connectors that exist. Sometimes this is because the connector is not connected with the perfect. Note also atx 12V, which can be found on most motherboards four years. They will not act, without the power portion of this connector.

Step 3: This will be making enough. Make checks one by one main device. The definition is the CPU and motherboard. Make sure both are still functioning properly. For say if the CPU is broken, the system will not be light at all. Similarly, if the motherboard was damaged. Especially for business portion charged (MOSFET, power lines on PCBs and so forth). This will also cause the PC will not react at all.

02. Fan, The Hard Putarannya, but the Monitor Screen Bear Management.

Problems: PC react. Heard the sound of fan-lap, and signs of life from other hard drives, optical drives, and others. However, the monitor remains dark.

Solution: Fiuhh ... at least, little better than the No. 1 problem. To solve this problem, you should rely on signs provided the BIOS POST. Make sure the speakers mounted chassis good, so you can listen to the POST form of a combination of sound beeps that are available on most motherboards. Or on some motherboards latest release, also available at the buzzer that integrate the motherboard.

Again more easily if accompanied by the motherboard BIOS POST code display the form of two Seven segment LED, which will display the hexagesimal code. If you do not know the meaning of the code (either light or sound) or even lose the manual, once again no need to panic. You can try to open the site Bios Central (

Hard drive
Saving documents, sweetheart songs MP3 format, installation of 3D games (up to the size of the units gigabytes), some even collect DivX video downloads have a certain size, or master digital video transfer results from the Handycam. It is not strange if the hard drive with full speed. Adding a hard disk, it can not be separated from some of the problems that may arise.

03. System Not Recognize New Hard.

Problems: a new hard drive installed, not detected on either Windows or even the BIOS.

Solution: Essentially mengonfigurasikan hard drive and install it correctly. Components including hard disk is not difficult in the installation process. However, there are several steps that must be done, when installing the hard drive.

Step 1: Make sure the hard disk is getting catudaya from PSU. Trivial mistakes like this could happen. Given the location of the hard disk is usually at the front of the chassis. Sometimes you connect with the branch of power from the fan, who did not get the supply of power from the PSU. This can also caused minimal amount of power connector from the PSU.

Step 2: Make sure the settings and the slave master hard drive exactly as desired. Or if you want to utilize the configuration on cable select, be sure to use the configuration on the second hard disk, your old and new.

Step 3: If you want to utilize the configuration cable select, note the installation of the IDE cable on the hard disk. Some of the latest cable, have been providing special signs, to help determine where the connector will be considered as a master, and the connector which will be considered as a slave. If not available, the easiest way is by following the basic rules. Connector that is true is a master. While the connector in the middle, will be considered as a slave.

Step 4: If it can not solve all the problems, then the answer is no alternative to the BIOS settings. In the main Integrated Peripheral, usually there are options for the IDE controller. Here, there are also options for SATA hard disk controller settings. If you experience similar problems, when you want to add a new learner-hard disk SATA interface. Special to SATA hard drive and Windows, do not forget to install the driver that is usually supplied by the motherboard manufacturer. Or update the page, depending on the motherboard for the chipset.

04. Detected hard drive, but no can be operated.

Problems: BIOS detects the presence of the hard drive. But not so with Windows, even DOS.

Solution: This is not a problem. The need to do is create a partition and then format the new hard disk. Because the new hard disk is not preformatted in a file system that can be identified Windows or DOS. There are several possibilities that can be done with the new hard disk.

Chance 1: If you want to install a new hard disk with operating system Windows 9x, there is little basic knowledge about the command fdisk. For this one, we strongly recommend to utilize the one that accompanied this with your colleagues have experienced.

Chance 2: If you want to install Windows 2000/XP or some of the latest Linux distributions now, you do not have a headache again faced with the fdisk command. They provide options at the time of the installation process. Living the steps and options provided. At least it's easier than using the command fdisk for most people.

Chance 3: If a new hard drive will be used as an additional hard drive for data storage, it will be easier. For example, during this you have to use the Windows XP operating system. With a user to use the administrator has the rights you can do the following.

Simply go to Disk Management. One way to the right-click on My Computer, select Manage.

Note the left column. Then in the Storage, select Disk Management. From here you can view and manage your new hard drive more easily.

Note: Be careful when using the facilities available on the Disk Management. Do not choose a hard drive. Because the data in the hard disk or partition can be lost. Similarly when using fdisk or similar function available in the operating system installation process.

05. Installing New Hard Extra Large.

Problems: 200 GB hard drive is not detected in the BIOS, especially Windows. Nonetheless, steps in to tip 03 and 04 have been executed all.

Solution: Along with time and technological progress there, then the product bulk large hard drive is available in the market. With a relatively affordable price. Core problem is the use of the method of LBA (Logical block addressing) used. Problems for the above, usually due to the size of the hard drive on the 137 GB, using the method of LBA 48 bits.

To that end, the first need is to make sure that the BIOS used, is 48 bit LBA support. For example here is to use 48-bit LBA Test Program for the Intel Application Accelerator

( Simply run a simple application 48lbachk.exe in the system.

If the BIOS is not supported, then the required update the BIOS. Note readme available on the updated BIOS. Make sure the updates that will be used, can solve the problem of compatibility of 48 bit LBA hard disk.

Optic Drive

The device is one that may have been made for security affairs storage. The following may be some problems that can occur.

06. No burner software Works in New Optic Drive.

Problems: For example, you are forced to say goodbye to the old CDRW drive. And replace it with a new burner drive. But you just realize that the software Nero burner mainstay, can not be used with a new drive. Why?

Solution: In the early period of victory-CD-RW drive, most of the sales package along with the software burner. However, now there are also many outstanding optical drives that are not accompanied by software burner.

Please note, the license granted to OEM sales package. And devoted to products that dibundle. And Nero have protection, so that can only be used specifically for these drives. To continue to utilize the new burner drive, the most minimal cost is to upgradenya. enggunakan Nero 6 Reloaded Upgrade Downloadable Serial Number (, worth U.S. $ 39.99). This is cheaper than the full version.

07. Not Write speed as soon as Promised.

Problems: Specifications are not promising 100% in accordance with the realities. However, if the time needed to write twice or more the time promised, there is certainly something wrong. What is the cause?

Solution: This may not be so many feel, even for a CD-RW drive even the fastest. However, if it is to switch to the DVD burner drive, the difference will be very significant. Can require more time from 1 hour to complete the writing of data on DVD media with 4.7 GB.

What is the need to be, both the hard drive or optical drives that are used, have been working on the mode Ultra DMA (Direct Memory Access).

Mengeceknya way, on Windows XP with considering the Device Manager. Open the IDE controller on the tree. And see in the Advanced Settings tab. Note on the Current Transfer Mode. Check on each IDE controller in which the hard disk drives and optic installed.

And VGA Display

Both are destined to spoil the eyes users. VGA with a more vigorous, you will get the frame rate better. While the display is better, you will get the resolution and refresh rate that is not tiring eyes. However, it does not mean they are free from problems.

08. No Video Card driver installed with Perfect.

Problem: Either the driver installation process is running perfectly. However, after restarting the system, there is an error warning box: "cli.exe Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click OK to terminate the application. "What causes and how to overcome them?

Solution: Some users video card with ATI Radeon chipsets VPU ever interview. Moreover, if you have had to update drivers and supporting applications using the ATI Catalyst. For information, ATI Catalyst, which is intended specifically for the Windows operating system, created using Microsoft. NET Framework SDK.

Operating systems need to be added with the installation of Microsoft. NET Framework. Which is now available for version 1.1.

This will be useful if you install the application will also be made by using the Microsoft. NET Framework SDK. To overcome all problems, which resulted in a similar pop-up window.

09. Avoiding Error Message When Installing the Update Driver VGA.

Problem: How to update the driver should VGA. Because in some cases, occur frequently appear error message.

Solution: It is not there a special command that is included in the update file instaler VGA driver, who suggested to uninstall the old drivers from the previous tar-install. However, there are good you do clean your operating system from older drivers available. Before menginstalasinya updated with the latest desired.

For users with VGA chipset ATI Radeon, you can easily do the uninstall the old drivers, with some supporting the application. Because ATI has also included ATI Catalyst Uninstaller, which is automatically included when the ATI Catalyst driver installation.

For others, need to trick him. Enough clean alternatives to older drivers. You can use Driver Cleaner, which is now available Driver Cleaner 3.3, or variants Professional Edition (

10. Improve the appearance of the Monitor.

Problem: You have selected the best monitor. Say a TFT-LCD Monitor, or "simply" CRT monitor's leading brand, which won a review of hardware. However, a view that is not produced satisfactory. What should be done?
Solution: Sehebat any each device, will not be optimal without the optimal configuration. Similarly to the monitor.

Most LCD monitors have a special button AUTO (or similar), to the configuration automatically. In accordance with the data communicated between the monitor with a video card with DDC. However, sometimes not perfect. Most still feel moire interference. You can use the Monitor Test, and try to mengalibrasikan minimal moire interference.

For CRT monitor, most of the problems the level of brightness and contrast. Addicts will set the monitor power light. But if excessive eyes will be tiring. Brightness will memperterang. However, if too high, will lose the black level. And in some cases will also focus on the display monitor.

DSL Internet connection to offer speeds were satisfactory. It offers a variety of prices, can be adapted to the needs. However, the problem also is not separate from it. And is not that easy to create an Internet connection that is free from problems.

11. Hang router, and needs to restart.

Problem: Initially, the installation of the router, this never happened. However, the router often need to hang in and restart to get the Internet connection on a PC connected to the router.

Solution: Even though the best configuration, the router may still have to hang. Usually this is because too many connection requests at the same time. And for this, the only way to overcome them is restarting the router (and then turn them off again).

Step 1: If the router manufacturer has been providing updated firmware, you can try to update the firmware to improve the process of routing and prevent crashes on the router.

Step 2: You can make a precaution. This can also be caused by viruses, spyware, which also attack the PC. Run antivirus and antispyware pitch that has been updated, to check each PC.

Step 3: Note that the applications installed on each client PC is the router. Especially some file-sharing application Peer to Peer (P2P). Applications such as this can also cause this. If not configured properly, P2P software can only open his sharring permissions, so that if the request is too much burden will automatically work your router.

12. Connection with Wi-Fi Sometimes Disconnected.

Problems: network connection using Wi-Fi, occasionally interrupted suddenly. Without a clear reason. This occasionally happens in the Centrino notebook, which is equipped with Wi-Fi connection.

Solution: Usually this is because the power saving mode. Centrino notebook default to make this function with the purpose to enable consumption to save battery. The simplest way is to use the Intel PROSet (if available).

Or through the properties in WI-Fi devices ethernet, on Network Connections. Then select Configure. Adcanced tab, there are settings to optimize the power consumption. Ad Hoc transmits power, influence with the distance to reach. Meanwhile, Power Management, will adjust to the condition of the battery, and idle time notebook. And will automatically reduce consumption of electricity from the battery.

This is, the possibility of causing Wi-Fi connection is lost. So there are two alternatives that can be done.

Option 1: Setting the maximum position to second this function. Moreover, if you do not worry, with a capacity of the battery remaining. Because the available shortcut keys to functions directly off the Wi-Fi in most of the Centrino notebook.

Option 2: Adjust the style of your notebook. Learn the use of idle time notebook. And try accordance with the habits of day-to-day. Of course you do not want to connect your Wi-Fi suddenly interrupted because of idle time 5 minutes have been terlewati. Only when you leave your notebook, for the toilet or simply to make a cup of coffee warm.

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Word overclocking may be a foreign language for beginners who are interested in the hardware. But for those who have advanced the field of hardwawe, the word is a word used in raw materials and daily life of the day.

English overclock prepared from the two words is over and that means the clock to make the setup Have clock for the processor and a VGA. Overclocking with the words dikonotasikan make the computer faster.

Whether at the start hobbiest do overclock. Overclocking is estimated to have started in the year 1985.Kalau not one, the first computer that sold the type of PC XT with Intel's processor type (8088) and made to work more quickly with procesor from NEC V20. Understandably speed on the PC XT computer before extraordinary slow. Not a word Linux or Windows system. We know that time is the IBM PC-DOS operating system as a computer. DOS is shaped diskette can be used as storage in the computer, including the operating system. In the years that not many people know about the hard drive or memory, such as type. Hardware is still very expensive and simple. Never even heard words like gigabytes now. Memories are still count in kilobytes, the first hard drive the size of very large with several hundred megabytes.

Overclock starts when 486 DX processor and Pentium Classic first. But the drive processor can only be done with jumpers in the Have. For example dijumper a 166Mhz Pentium 200MHz speed, little difference between the 166Mhz and 200MHz. But the speed is sufficient for this year.

Overclocker and bustle began in 1997 when the Intel Celeron processor speed of 300Mhz with type 1 and slot it into crowded public 450Mhz. While it appears that the overclocker start pushed to the limit last processor.

Taiwan companies currently have to control the hardware to make the field Have the option that can be set by the user. Abit with the emergence Have to via the BIOS setup and Have jumperless. Abit announced the first Have a minimum of jumpers and the user can do in the BIOS setup to processor speed.

What is the purpose of overclocking sebenarnnya

The main objective is to make overclocking a processor boost VGA and CPU to work more quickly.

But for now with existing technology, allows a person has to make the computer easiness with overclocking. For example, someone wants to drive the computer work faster processor with a cheaper rival to the computer that has a faster processor and more expensive. For example, use the processor at 1 million, but able to have a speed that is almost beyond the computer or with procesor more expensive.

There are also special purpose as the trend after 2000. For example, applications for the game. By doing overclocking, a computer will be faster and more convenient to enjoy. With all overclocking device will be increased. It is this last function that most general purpose use. Because of the availability of almost all the enhancements available, and supported by the company Have to enter the BIOS overclocking system. Unfortunately, when it is not all developments have been perfect. Because of the limited devices such as memory, and heatsink Have not complete this now.

How to overclock.

Conducting the actual conduct overclocking setup CPU clock speed in the BIOS. When the processor with a speed of 1.6Ghz with a 100MHz bus, means the processor to work on speed 16X100Mhz will generate speeds of 1600Mhz or 1.6GHz processor. With the change in the bus, for example, the BIOS option from 100MHz to be 133Mhz computer will then work with the speed of 2.1GHZ or 16X133Mhz with the results of the 2.1Ghz or 2.128Mhz. What is easy to make such overclocking. Correct, this is the only way a computer can be such a convenience and do some overclocking.

How many of the expensive cost of overclocking.

Costs can vary overclocking. When do you overclock a computer that is not too high, for example, with the rate of processor speed to be 10% or 20% more quickly. Maybe you do not need the additional cost. Changes made only in the BIOS only.

Example you use procesor 1.6Ghz, and then pushed into 2.1Ghz. With the standard heatsink, the speed is still positioned to secure a computer and can be done easily.

But if done overclock quite high, for example, over 25%, will appear generally occur on hot obstacles processor. Because of the design as the standard heatsink cooler processor made limited to a certain speed. The constraints on the hot processor would be improved with non-standard heatsink. With non-standard heatsink off from the processor to hang or malfunction because it is too hot to work. Or assisted in the air circulation inside the cooling system to improve computer.

Why become a scourge of summer activities overclocking. With increasing speed, the impact will create a hot processor.

And where the level of activity from overclocking. If you do overclock the processor alone, without improving the other device. This can be considered cheap. But if you intend to optimize all existing devices, including memory, Have a premium, top-end VGA, power supply, cooling even in the case of special design for overclocking. Disitulah expensive that the value must be provided. Because the particular device that has provided the excess material.

Have a computer with the most optimal level of hardware is almost the same as buying a PC with the price of the PC 2. Examples of course, first there is a beginners who want a refrigerator for a computer as it has dioverclock. To save him buy 7.200RPM 80mm fan speed will be cheaper than buying heatsink good but more expensive. Several days later, he would return heatsink 7.200RPM with the new heatsink. It is said, when the fan paired in the case even make it all work involved in the table vibrate.

What you need is required to do overclocking.

Easy to make a processor that can dioverclock, but its impact is quite extensive for other hardware. When talking on the computer at this time, overclocking will make an impact for hardware such as system I / O, VGA and others.

Mengoverclock a few MHz processor will also boost the performance of other parts such as memory, PCIe, PCI and AGP clock. This means that when procesor with a 100MHz bus speed of 120MHz and it became (20%), the clock speed of the hardware also increased. Similarly speed memory will be the processor speed is around 20%.

Many errors occur for beginners because they do not know the calculation, and limits the ability of the hardware. For us it for each of the hardware associated with one another because they will be directly affected when the processor was above the standard.

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Computer Beeb

Beep-noise in your computer

You may not notice too sounds on a computer other than MP3 music files that are tuneful organization loyal support you, besides the music sound, the sound may be the computer that is always with the sound of your voice digital terengan one time when you start the computer. Actually adabunyi-play sounds that your computer other than the sounds being. Those who have been dismal in the cross duinia computer beeps as usual enyebut code.

What is the actual code beeps this? beeps cod families eini normal dianalogikan with photos on the human aura that can detect any disease that is on someone. If the image on the aura of color tipa identified the symptoms of the disease, also with the existing code beeps on each computer. Yes, enough heed to the "song" that didendangkan by the BIOS is, "disease" or the problems that exist on the PC can be detected early.

There are two standards that are usually used on most PC beeps code is made lynziedoll and American Megatrends Inc.. Well, now soon find out, the standard which is used for your PC! To find out, just to see the motherboard manual that you buy or restart your PC and go on the system BIOS. Where you can find the system BIOS that you use.

1. There Same Without Beep Once

If you do not hear the sound of sam once in the BIOS, which means there are 3 possible problems that are faced by the PC. First try priksa power supply your computer, whether working with the good or not. If there is no tension at all the entry, it means that there are problems in these components. Second possibility is the motherboard that "tendentious". Check if your motherboard is still functioning well. The third possibility is the internal speakers of your good or not is not the speakers mounted on the appropriate jack.

2. Beep One time

The word "I" can you speak as gratitude. Yes, it sounds all the components of the system indicates that the PC concerned with the good work. But the sound of beeps once heard, but no images of any visible, check whether the interface cable from the monitor is connected to the video port on the line. If you use a graphic card, define the monitor cable must be connected to the graphics card is danbukan the onboard video port on the motherboard. But, if all is okay, but the picture still not visible on the screen monitor?

If the circumstances occur, we can be sure that the motherboard you have a problem with the Chip-related matters graphic. The first step is done the SIMM and then do the re-booting. If conditions remain the same, this marks one of the damaged indeed Chips. Step one is the most secure change your graphics card.

3. Two beeps time

If this sounds of beeps you hear, there is something wrong in less memory on your PC. Check the video or graphical facilities available. If this video facilities working with both on screen error message will appear. When this facility is not working, there is a problem with the parity in the first 64KB. You should do is check the SIMM. Replace the components of this correctly and do re-booting. If this still sounds as it sounds, it means there is damage on Chip memory. Laian jugabisa way you do that is by changing the position of Chip the first memory with the second. There is a good idea to check your manual in the first place where the first position memory on the motherboard of your life. When the used memory was still in excellent condition, it means the damage is on the motherboard.

4. Three beeps time

If this sounds like you heard, do check the rare number three. Usually this indicates the noise damage or error almost the same with the sound of beeps twice.

5. Four beeps time

Errors that occurred resulted BIOS "sing" as this is almost the same with the sound of beeps twice or three times. Step-rare number three can be done again to check for errors. At the sound of beeps, the problem can also because the timer on the PC less work.

6. Five beeps time

This marks the sound of your motherboard is "protest" because of something related memory. Check whether there is a memory that position is correct. After that do re-booting. If all these steps have been made but the BIOS is still "howl-roaring" like this, it marks the motherboard you have to be replaced. There are other tips that can be done when these problems occur. Change your processor, though how this can be quite expensive.

7. Six-time beeps

If the BIOS "whimper" as this means that the problem is happening on the chipsets in the motherboard that controls the functions of the keyboard of your PC. Set back position if the chipset found Chip is not disolder. If the noise is still beeps as it sounds, this chipset change if possible. If not, again, forced to replace your motherboard, especially if the chipset found this is tersolder dead on his body.

8. Seven-time beeps

The "siren" danger signs from the BIOS as this sounds, ready-prepared you bearable bear the losses around. There are two possible damage that occurred. The possibility that your processor is the first one broken legs or processor is not working normally. The possibility of a second, the motherboard you less wrong. If your curious, you try to install the motherboard of the PC to another. If the processor was running normally, the damage is located on the motherboard. All that depends on the damage that occurred.

9. Eight beeps time

Ensure there is a problem that occurs on the graphics card you use. Make sure the graphics card has been inserted correctly in its port. Ternya if the BIOS is still removing the "nyanyiannya", it means your graphics card damaged in whole or in memory that is damaged. The best way that should be done is change the graphics card you use.

10. Nine beeps time

This means that your BIOS is broken. Change the BIOS or upgrade your BIOS. I still also damaged, replace motherboardnya.

11. Ten beeps time

You Maslaha located in the CMOS. All that is connected with Chip CMOS CMOS should be replaced due to the "media" is. The most telling tips to overcome this problem are to replace the motherboard with a new you.

12. Eleven beeps time

Had this sound as the exit from the speakers for your PC, meaning that the problem lies in the chace and the memory of your PC automatically downloading it will make you. You should do is re-activate by pressing the button + ctrl-alt-shift +. But if the trick is also not effective treat "disease", replace your memory.

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Terms Becomes A Hacker

To Become a Hacker Requires some important requirements, which ideally is owned by a hacker, this is based on the experiences of writers met several hackers who are very cool capabilities. among others:


Becoming a hacker must have a very strong motivation, if not the desire to become hackers only momentarily, for instance, after buying books directly hackers want to be hackers, and the next day have forgotten that yesterday he wants to become a hacker, kuatlah motivated hackers who make a practice continue, without learning know tired.

2.the ability to speak english

Some even all the knowledge that we can now come from overseas, as does the example in Indonesia, which can make the computer?. Indonesia is offering consumer marketing) for the marketing of developed countries. the science is so much coming from overseas. Many tutorials on hacking as a free with the English language. you do not lose heart if inggriss less like a language, all is dificult start, you first have a certain weight, but then surely easy. the ability needed to interpret, translate it word-perkata do regularly, every day, without one you will have a lot of vocabulary, open the online dictionary in your browser next to translate articles / reads in inggriss.

3.Fast typing ability

Study typing with 10 fingers, much faster typing software that is used to help with your typing speed. This required that the productivity in your work / programming when the maximum or hackers break the system and discovered by the owner of the system, the hacker must complete their work quickly with a typing speed that is very helpful at all.

4.The ability to operate the settler Computers

How would a hacker if it is still holding the mouse confused, you should familiarize themselves berkomputer.

5.Control of the Operating System

sisterm study various operating systems as a comparison, try to install windows, linux insall, install OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MikroTIk do not fear your computer is broken because it will hamper your learning. operating system above is the most widely used in addition to the more there is also used by the company Sunsolaris provider / telecommunications. learn how to work each of these operating systems.

6.The control of Network Computers / Networking

Learn how to connect computers, windows, windows, windows-linux, how mengkrimping cable, if you do not have many computers use software that vmware is a sophisticated simulator that allows operating systems to install the operating system, for instance, you have to install Win XP on your computer, you Linux can be installed again in front of your screen.

7.Control of the Programming

The ability of this programming as well as the ability to speak the more you will repeat the more advanced thinking in terms of logic, people contohlah program, write again and repeat, repeat, and the modifications, made it a habit. pemorgraman some of the most widely used in the website, namely PHP4, php5, asp, html, css,

8.Control of the Database

Learn the database, because the database because the database storage of data from a web, George, there are things that are valuable if its content is unknown.

Essentially try to build a system and utak atiklah, and then compare it with other systems so you will know what the pros and cons of each system and do not forget to visit the site of a hacking to hacking exploration, such as http://www.securityfocus. com /,, and that in indonesia bit,
so many conditions that are required if you can? rest assured you can also evidence many hackers in the universities this. if they can why you do not, then try if you want to be a hacker, life is too short not to try.

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Tips for Cleaning & Securing Your Website

Tips for Cleaning & Securing Your Website

This page is a starting-point resource -- one we expect to evolve and grow over time -- to provide webmasters with tips for ways to remove badware from your website and to keep it free of badware. Please note that this resource is by no means comprehensive or exhaustive, and is intended only as a first step for webmasters concerned about badware. We encourage webmasters and hosting providers to research website security independently, beyond the suggestions offered here. It is the responsibility of individual webmasters and hosting providers to stay informed of news relating to website security issues.

There are three basic steps to maintaining a clean site:

1. Identifying badware on your site

2. Removing badware from your site

3. Preventing badware in the future


A. Identifying badware on your site

The first step to keeping your website badware-free is to check for any badware that may already be on your site. Badware is software that fundamentally disregards a user's choice over how his or her computer will be used. Some applications are badware because they act deceptively or irreversibly (for example, an application that secretly installs spyware or that is difficult or impossible to uninstall). Other applications are badware because they have objectionable behaviors (such as displaying pop-up ads or changing a user's homepage) without fully and prominently disclosing those behaviors to the user in advance and seeking his or her consent. You can learn more about badware in our Software Guidelines.

Here are some common types of badware to look for:

1. Badware available for download on your site

Evaluate the software that you are offering for download -- including any third-party applications that are bundled with your software -- based on StopBadware's Software Guidelines. If the software that you are offering for download violates our guidelines, then it constitutes badware.

If your software is bundled with third-party applications, you may also want to check whether the bundled applications install any dangerous or deceptive code. One method for detecting this is to download the entire software bundle onto a virtual machine and scan it using anti-virus or anti-spyware programs.

2. Badware available on sites that you link to

If your website links to badware, your site's visitors may be in danger, even when the bad software or code exploits are not actually hosted on your site. Your web pages may violate our Website Guidelines if they automatically redirect to a website that hosts or distributes badware; directly link to executable files that are badware; link to another website that automatically attempts to install badware by exploit onto the user's computer; or contain substantial links to other website(s) that predominantly host or distribute badware.

Some ways to determine whether the links on your site violate our guidelines would be to check whether any of your links lead to bad software available for download on another site, or whether they lead to an infected page on another site. (We recommend that, when looking for badware, you use a virtual machine to avoid damaging your own computer.) It may also be useful to search through your site's source code and look for links to unknown sites, especially if the links are to executable files. Executable files include files with extensions such as .exe, .bat, .cmd, .scr, and .pif. There are also applications available that will allow you to scan for malicious links within a web page, and you can use these applications to help decide whether to link to that page.

You can also use the StopBadware reports and our Badware Website Clearinghouse as a resource -- search our database for information on the sites and software to which you link or are planning to link.

3. Badware distributed through ads running on your site

Advertising displayed on your site is another potential source of badware, since most ads include direct links to an external web page. Please see section 1.2 above for general information about our guidelines for badware found via links. If you display third-party ads on your website, check that the links do not lead to bad software or to a badware-infected web page. The methods for evaluating the software that is available through ads are similar to those described in section 1.1 above ("Badware available for download on your site").

You can use the StopBadware in-depth reports and our Badware Website Clearinghouse as a resource. Check the ad networks you are considering using in our database to learn whether other websites have had badware problems with those ad providers.

4. Badware links posted in user-generated areas of your site

If there are any areas of your site where users can post or upload content, these areas may be a potential source of badware or badware links. Please see sections 1.1 and 1.2 above for information about badware and badware links.

5. Hacking attacks to your site

Another common source of badware on websites is hacking attacks, which allow third parties to insert code or executables onto poorly secured websites. A common example is the "injection attack," in which a hacker uses a security vulnerability to inject harmful code into one of your web pages. Usually this code will be invisible on your site to you and to any site visitors, but will trigger the download of badware in the background of a visitor's computer. You can often detect whether this kind of attack has occurred by looking at the source code of your web pages and determining whether it contains any code that you did not place there.

Two common types of "injection attack" are:

Invisible iframes

Iframe tags are a kind of HTML tag. An iframe creates a small "window" on a webpage so that another webpage can load within the embedded window. Iframes are not always used for nefarious purposes; one frequent use, for example, is to embed a video into a blog post. When used by malicious hackers, an iframe can be made so small that it is invisible, and the visitor to the infected web page never knows that another page is also loading in the tiny iframe window. If you see code for an iframe with width="0" and height="0" in the source code of any page on your website, you have found an invisible iframe. Iframes are most commonly inserted at the very top or the very bottom of a web page's source code. A good first place to check for iframes is before the initial tag that starts a web page's standard code, or after the final that ends a page's code.

Obfuscated Code

Obfuscated code or scripts are designed to be hidden within the normal code for your site, so they can be hard to detect. The code is written specifically to prevent automated tools from discovering its purpose. Obfuscated code is not necessarily badware; some legitimate coders obfuscate in order to prevent others from copying their work. However, if you write the code on your site and you do not intentionally obfuscate, finding a block of obfuscated code may indicate an injection attack. The two most common ways code is obfuscated are through encoding and encrypting.

Encoding can sometimes be easy to spot because the encoding uses either "hex" or "unicode/wide" characters. For hex characters, you will see strings of javascript code that consists of percent signs with two character combinations after them (e.g. %AA%BB%CC). For unicode characters, you will see strings that consist of "\u" with four characters after (e.g. \u0048\u0069\u0021). Generally, blocks of code that have been encoded in this fashion will take up several paragraphs. If you find large blocks of text in your web page source code with either of the above patterns, it is likely to be obfuscated code.

Encrypted code is harder to find, because there are no set patterns. However, encrypted code will look like a block of unintelligible text. Even if you are not familiar with javascript coding, you will notice that normal javascript code on your site will use a syntax based on actual English words. Encoded or encrypted text will look like completely unintelligible blocks of letters, numbers, and symbols. Check your web logs for references to executable files that you don't recognize. Executable files include files with extensions such as .exe, .bat, .cmd, .scr, and .pif.


While most hacking attacks focus on html code, it is also possible for bad software itself to be uploaded onto a poorly secured site. Bad software can include unknown executables (such as files that end in .exe, .bat, .cmd, .scr, and .pif), javascript files, or even images uploaded to your site without your knowledge. Sometimes attackers will simply use your website to host badware and link to it from other victim sites. One method for detecting whether you are hosting bad software on your site is to download all of your source code from the live website onto a virtual machine and scan it using an anti-virus or anti-spyware program.


B. Removing badware from your site

How you should go about removing badware from your site will depend on what kind(s) of badware your site is hosting or linking to. Our general recommendation is to take your website offline while you clean and secure it, to prevent your site's visitors from being unwittingly infected in the interim.

1. If your site is hosting bad software for download

Remove the bad software from your website and don't make it available for download again unless you can be sure that it is no longer badware. You can learn more about what makes a piece of software badware in our guidelines. If you are the creator of the software in question, StopBadware may be able to offer recommendations for bringing your software into compliance with our guidelines.

2. If your site links to badware

Remove all badware links from your website.

3. If ads on your site are linking to badware

Remove all ads that link to badware. If you use an ad network, this may mean removing all the network's ads from your site until you can be sure the network is clean. You may also want to contact your ad provider and let them know that one or more of their ads is causing badware to be linked from your site.

4. If badware is linked in user-generated areas of your site

Remove the badware links from your site. This may involve editing user posts to remove the badware content, or deleting entire user posts.

5. If your site has been hacked

Take the site offline in order to keep from putting your site's visitors and your customers at risk. Then remove all of the offending code and fix all underlying security vulnerabilities before putting your site back online. Finding and removing a specific block of bad code that a hacker has inserted can clean your site for a time, but keeping your site from being infected in the future will require fixing the security vulnerabilities that allowed the hacker to insert the code in the first place. As such, be sure to check for and remove any backdoors left by the attacker. A backdoor will allow an attacker to get back into your site even after you have locked down the site.

Your hosting provider should also be able to help you figure out where the underlying vulnerabilities on your site are, so contacting them should be a top priority if you think your site has been hacked. You can also check your hosting provider's forums to see if any other webmasters using that host have been compromised. Checking user forums for the software used by your site can also help you see if other users have been compromised through flaws in the software, or if there are security updates which your site does not yet have in place.


C. Preventing badware in the future

1. Check software for badware before making it available for download

See section 1.1 above for general information on badware and our software guidelines.

2. Check links for badware before posting them to your site

See section 1.2 above for general information and our guidelines about badware in links.

3. Use only reputable, conscientious ad providers and regularly monitor them to be sure they stay clean

Make sure your ad network is reputable and actively screens for badware from advertisers. If not, switch and tell them why you switched. Remember that an ad hosted on your site, even if provided by a third party, is still a part of your web page. You should only accept ads from providers that you are confident are diligent about protecting clients from badware. You can use StopBadware's reports as a resource. StopBadware is working to bring the worst ad networks to light by posting reports showing websites that we've seen being victimized by ad providers.

4. Monitor user-generated areas of your site

Make sure your terms of use for posting to forums, blogs, and other user-generated areas of your site explicitly forbid posting links to badware. You may also choose not to allow users to link directly to any form of executable file or to insert javascript into forum messages or other user-generated content areas. Then actively monitor these areas of your site for suspicious links or executables. See section 1.2 above for general information and our guidelines about badware in links.

5. Close security loopholes to secure your site against hacking

Some basic steps that can be taken to make your site more secure include the following:

* Use strong passwords.

* Use SSH and SFTP protocols, instead of telnet or FTP. Telnet and FTP are both considered insecure because of their use of plain text protocols. They transmit usernames and passwords in a way that anyone with access to the network can read. SSH and SFTP are based on an encrypted protocol which prevents eavesdropping.

* Scan your site for security vulnerabilities using a vulnerability auditing scanner (both free and commercial versions are available). Use security update management tools to detect missing patches and then apply those patches immediately.

* Keep up to date on news relating to any software you or your host use on your site, and make sure you are always running the most recent versions, including security patches. Subscribe to, and regularly read, any newsletters or alerts offered by your hosting provider and software providers.
* Make sure your hosting provider keeps all software updated, including security patches. If they do not, urge them to do so or switch to a hosting provider that you are confident does its best to keep its clients' websites secure.

When your site is clean, secure, and back online, you may want to notify your site visitors about the badware problem, and the steps you've taken to address it. If a user has become infected with badware after visiting your site, knowing what you've found will help them clean up their own computer. And telling your story can help other webmasters deal with similar situations on their own sites. If you'd like to share your story of how you cleaned your site with other webmasters, or would like to share tips for keeping websites secure, please visit our discussion list.

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Terms Become A Hacker

To Become a Hacker Requires some important requirements, which ideally is owned by a hacker, this is based on the experiences of writers met several hackers who are very cool capabilities. among others:


Becoming a hacker must have a very strong motivation, if not the desire to become hackers only momentarily, for instance, after buying books directly hackers want to be hackers, and the next day have forgotten that yesterday he wants to become a hacker, kuatlah motivated hackers who make a practice continue, without learning know tired.

2.the ability to speak english

Some even all the knowledge that we can now come from overseas, as does the example in Indonesia, which can make the computer?. Indonesia is offering consumer marketing) for the marketing of developed countries. the science is so much coming from overseas. Many tutorials on hacking as a free with the English language. you do not lose heart if inggriss less like a language, all is dificult start, you first have a certain weight, but then surely easy. the ability needed to interpret, translate it word-perkata do regularly, every day, without one you will have a lot of vocabulary, open the online dictionary in your browser next to translate articles / reads in inggriss.

3.Fast typing ability

Study typing with 10 fingers, much faster typing software that is used to help with your typing speed. This required that the productivity in your work / programming when the maximum or hackers break the system and discovered by the owner of the system, the hacker must complete their work quickly with a typing speed that is very helpful at all.

4.The ability to operate the settler Computers

How would a hacker if it is still holding the mouse confused, you should familiarize themselves berkomputer.

5.Control of the Operating System

sisterm study various operating systems as a comparison, try to install windows, linux insall, install OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MikroTIk do not fear your computer is broken because it will hamper your learning. operating system above is the most widely used in addition to the more there is also used by the company Sunsolaris provider / telecommunications. learn how to work each of these operating systems.

6.The control of Network Computers / Networking

Learn how to connect computers, windows, windows, windows-linux, how mengkrimping cable, if you do not have many computers use software that vmware is a sophisticated simulator that allows operating systems to install the operating system, for instance, you have to install Win XP on your computer, you Linux can be installed again in front of your screen.

7.Control of the Programming

The ability of this programming as well as the ability to speak the more you will repeat the more advanced thinking in terms of logic, people contohlah program, write again and repeat, repeat, and the modifications, made it a habit. pemorgraman some of the most widely used in the website, namely PHP4, php5, asp, html, css,

8.Control of the Database

Learn the database, because the database because the database storage of data from a web, George, there are things that are valuable if its content is unknown.

Essentially try to build a system and utak atiklah, and then compare it with other systems so you will know what the pros and cons of each system and do not forget to visit the site of a hacking to hacking exploration, such as http://www.securityfocus. com /,, and that in indonesia bit,
so many conditions that are required if you can? rest assured you can also evidence many hackers in the universities this. if they can why you do not, then try if you want to be a hacker, life is too short not to try.

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