Posted On Monday, December 29, 2008 at di 6:43 PM by demithackContent adalah raja. Itulah kunci sukses untuk mendapatkan rangking yang tinggi pada search engine. Bagian ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana merancang isi halaman web yang search engine friendly. Namun tetap harus dijaga, agar visitor Anda betah membacanya. newscomputeronlines
Satu hal yang perlu diingat adalah website yang Anda miliki dirancang untuk visitor, bukan untuk search engine. Janganlah terlalu berlebihan hanya karena ingin mendapat rangking yang tinggi, tapi justru membuat isi halaman web tidak enak untuk dibaca. Jika hal ini tidak Anda perhatikan, maka visitor hanya akan datang sekali saja dan mereka akan enggan untuk berkunjung lagi. Langkah pertama, susunlah isi web Anda secara biasa. Buat kalimat-kalimat yang menarik dan enak untuk dibaca. Tetapi usahakan agar keyword-keyword pada meta tag, terpakai pada kalimat-kalimat di awal paragraf. Jagalah agar topiknya tidak terlalu meluas dan tetap spesifik. Sebuah halaman web yang baik hanya berisi dua sampai tiga fokus bahasan. Kalau dalam pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, ini disebut pokok pikiran yang menjiwai sebuah karangan :)
Ok, langkah selanjutnya optimalkan halaman web Anda dengan tips-tips berikut ini.
1. Perhatikan penggunaan gambar. Hindari penggunaan gambar/image yang terlalu berat pada web Anda. Usahakan agar ukuran halaman web + gambar tetap dibawah 64 kb. Gunakan software-software seperti Adobe Photoshop (menu file - save for web) untuk mengoptimalkan gambar. Penggunaan Flash dan Java yang berlebihan sebaiknya dihindari.
2. Hindari pemakaian frame. Frame memang baik dipakai sebagai navigasi, tetapi bisa membingungkan search engine. Halaman utama frameset biasanya tidak berisi content apa-apa.
Kalaupun Anda terpaksa menggunakan frame, ingatlah mencantumkan tag noframe noframe dan tuliskan rangkuman dari isi halaman web Anda pada tag tersebut agar search engine yang tidak mendukung frame masih bisa membacanya.
3. Rancanglah agar web Anda bisa dibaca oleh semua browser. Halaman web yang tampak cantik di Internet Explorer kadang-kadang hanya tampak blank pada Netscape Navigator. Hati-hatilah dengan hal ini karena bisa menurunkan rangking pada search engine. Bukankah kecantikan itu juga relatif bagi setiap orang :)
4. Gunakan keyword utama pada title halaman web. Isi dari tag title title sangat berpengaruh pada rangking search engine. Rancanglah sebuah title yang menarik untuk dibaca dan jaga agar ukurannya tidak melebihi 70 karakter.
5. Usahakan agar halaman web Anda memakai page headline (H1-6), dan gunakan keyword utama sebagai H1 headline H1. Hindari pemakaian font yang terlalu kecil font size="1" dan susah dibaca.
6. Jika Anda memasang image ingatlah agar selalu melengkapinya dengan atribut alt. Beberapa search engine menggunakan alt tag sebagai pedoman relevansi hasil pencarian. IMG SRC="gambar.jpg" ALT="tambahkan beberapa keyword utama disini".
7. Meskipun tidak banyak, beberapa search engine juga membaca comment tag. Isilah comment tag Anda dengan beberapa keyword yang relevan.
Beberapa search engine utama seperti Altavista dan Google memberikan poin lebih banyak untuk paragraf-paragraf yang letaknya di awal. Jadi seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, usahakan memakai keyword-keyword andalan Anda di awal halaman.
Memahami teknik SEO yang mitos dan teknik SEO yang fakta
Posted On at di 5:34 PM by demithack SEO only myths or facts? Not all SEO techniques that you find on the Internet is real and proven. But not all SEO techniques just myths that there are stark. Some obvious, some not yet proven. I confused? Not really. Let's see together with a reference document on SEO, which officially comes from Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
SEO techniques are real
1. Perbanyak number of links to web pages
The more pages that point to a web page, then it's correct web page will have an increasingly good position in the Search Engine. Basically is a statement in a page google Google Friendly Site. Naturally, if your blog or website is good, people will install itself on the link in their pages. Is not natural, you can blogwalking in dofollow or ask the owner to exchange links with other website or blog.
2. Keyword and quality articles
Many times mentioned in Google's Webmaster Guidelines, Yahoo! Search Content Quality Guidelines, and MSN Guidelines for successful indexing, that the content or quality of the content is the main thing. Okey quality content, but the main page on how to distinguish the quality or not? How do I distinguish the page is suitable for that keyword diketikkan visitors in search engines? If we can what-you, if we are asked to create a search engine, or arrange search engine algorithms, of which we note is the number of keywords and keyword position in the article are not?
Staying Informed Without Drowning in Data
Posted On at di 5:15 PM by demithack Staying Informed Without Drowning in Data

I’M a reporter and I write about the Internet. I write about its culture, its latest developments and the people and companies involved. You may think this means I spend a lot of time watching videos of advice-dispensing ninjas and funny photographs of cats but that, sadly, is not the case.
What I do spend a lot of time doing is scouring the Internet for information and news. This is great because the Internet makes this easier than ever. This is also a huge pain because the Internet makes this easier than ever. There’s a never-ending sea of news sources, and if I just plunge in headfirst, I’ll probably get overwhelmed in minutes. And yet to be ahead of the news, I can’t just read the big, mainstream publications — I have to dig deeper and find more specialized sites and blogs that are often closer to the action.
The key is to manage the information overflow. This can be done through sites and services that filter and curate the online news-scape into something I can actually digest. With a little time spent exploring and tailoring these sites, you too can get better, deeper information on subjects you care about — and it won’t take you days to sort through it all.
With millions of Web sites and blogs, there’s no shortage of news, so some filtering is required. Social news sites are one place to begin the culling. They rely on the wisdom of the crowds to determine which headlines are newsworthy by seeing which headlines are being read most. The community of users at sites like Digg, Reddit, Propeller and Delicious rank stories in order of importance, creating a list of stories you can refer to at will.
But why skim through the top articles on just one social news site when you can track what’s bubbling up across the majority of those sites? NewzNozzl pulls top news stories from the above-mentioned social bookmarking sites as well as Mixx, Propeller and Newsvine to create a prefiltered flow of hot news items. Like Digg and its social bookmarking brethren, NewzNozzl welcomes interested parties to join the service to vote and share stories within the site.
There are pitfalls to relying on a vast community of users. They may prefer to popularize more sensational news headlines like “Former Miss America Pops Out Her Tooth” and “The 6 Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit in Your Shoe).” If that isn’t quite what you’re looking for, try sites like Addictomatic, Yahoo Buzz or BuzzTracker. These sites eschew the system of ranking user-submitted stories by popular votes and instead, rely on stories collected from a preapproved list of publishers.
BuzzTracker, for example, follows more than 100,000 different news sources as diverse as Boing Boing and The Washington Post, and presents its daily list of offerings in an accessible layout. Addictomatic delivers a compact snapshot of the news from a host of sources. For example, a quick search for the comedian Tina Fey returns top Google News searches, YouTube videos and Flickr photos compiled onto a single page.
If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, hop over to one of my personal favorites, BuzzFeed, a site that employs both paid staff and volunteers to create a user-generated hot list of newsworthy items. Browsing the site can be a little risky, as submissions run the gamut from breaking political news to stills from celebrity sex tapes, but BuzzFeed has rewarded me with gems like the Lasagna Cat (vintage Garfield comic strips re-enacted as live-action Web shorts) and newly born Internet memes (like Disaster Girl).
For a more tailored approach, RSS subscribers like Google Reader, FeedDemon and Bloglines have long offered ways to collect content from blogs and news sites and put them into a simple combined list of stories that you can check in on periodically. But there’s a major pitfall to using RSS feeds: Given the vast smorgasbord of news feeds at your disposal, it’s easy to overindulge on news subscriptions. Too many feeds can cause your number of subscriptions to become bloated and unmanageable. (At last glance, my RSS reader has more than 30,000 unread items from 500 different feeds, sorted into a dozen or so different folders.)
Here’s where RSS tools can come in handy. RSS filters like ReadBurner and RSSMeme are applications that pick out the most popular links from RSS aggregating sites like Google Reader. They work similarly to Digg, but rather than tally the popularity of an article by votes, they generate lists based on the number of times a particular article has been shared across certain RSS subscribers.
The content streaming down these sites throughout the day tends to be a hodgepodge of random articles and breaking news. Recently, sprinkled in among reports of President Bush’s near miss with a pair of size 10 shoes were the equally eye-grabbing headlines “Ms Pacman Tattoo” and “Video Game Design Between 1990-2008.” Guaranteed procrastination aids, perhaps, but entertaining nonetheless. And the mixed bag of headlines doubles as a fascinating overview of the news climate — a cross-section of what’s capturing the interest of hundreds of Web surfers at any given moment.
LinkRiver is another spin on an RSS filter, but this particular service concentrates your content and bookmarks from a variety of RSS subscriptions — Google Reader, Delicious, Yahoo! Bookmarks — into a single, steady stream of links. More interestingly, LinkRiver lets you read what other people are reading. And not just a faceless community of users, either — LinkRiver lets you browse the pooled content of its members or home in on specific contributors, which include tech bloggers like Robert Scoble; entrepreneurs like Evan Williams, founder of the microblogging platform Twitter; and Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape.
Alternatively, you can isolate a handful of your own RSS feeds and transform that data into a format that resembles a newspaper. Tabbloid, created by Hewlett-Packard, rounds up as few or as many news feeds as you like and cobbles them together into a makeshift newsletter or tabloid format, then delivers it in PDF format via e-mail at the desired frequency, either daily or weekly. Feedbooks, an e-Book platform, also offers a version of a digitized newsstand that can be delivered to a laptop or mobile device not only in PDF but also in formats compatible with a Cybook or a Sony Reader.
Finally, don’t fear Twitter. Don’t worry about learning how to friend and follow on the service — you can transform Twitter into a useful and relatively unobtrusive news ticker. Start by downloading a desktop application like Twirl and subscribing to various news feeds — The New York Times, CNN, The Huffington Post, National Public Radio, to name a few.
Or seek out companies you could use updates on — a recent update on JetBlue, for example, read “Did you know we can fit 5 surfboards in our E-190 aircraft? Orlando to San Jose, Costa Rica, starts March 26.” A recent tweet from Starbucks’s headquarters in Seattle offered information on drink ingredients and holiday store hours.
But before you get too Twitter-happy, a word of caution: Anyone can create a Twitter account with no identity verification, so take some accounts — like certain celebrity streams — with a big grain of salt. You can often check the veracity with a blog post on a company Web site confirming its existence. After all, if you’re going to limit the information you get online, you’re going to want to make sure the information you get is right.News
Posted On at di 5:08 PM by demithackBaru Sembuh dari Cedera, Jerry Yan Langsung Terima Tawaran Baru
, Taiwan - Menyebut nama Jerry Yan, yang langsung teringat adalah personil F4 yang penampilannya bisa disaksikan dalam waktu dekat di Basketball Fire alias Hot Shot (籃çƒç«) bersama Wu Zun dan Show Luo.
Baru saja merampungkan serial idola alias ouxiangju yang rencananya ditayangkan di bulan Juli 2008 tersebut, aktor yang kini telah mempunyai manajemen sendiri itu langsung menyambar kesempatan untuk tampil di Starlit (星心的淚光).
di serial yang punya judul lain Xing Xin De Lei Guang, Jerry bakal beradu akting dengan Terri Kwan (terakhir tampil di Wish to See You Again) dan Alice Ceng (yang mencuri perhatian ketika tampil bersama Jay Chou di Secret).
Merupakan hasil kolabotasi antara perusahaan Jepang dan Taiwan, tidak mengherankan bila saat digelar acara konferensi persnya tanggal 7 April 2008 silam, lokasi acara dipadati oleh pers dan penggemar dari kedua negara.
Keputusan pria kelahiran 1977 tersebut untuk tampil di Xing Xin De Lei Guang sendiri sebenarnya tidak mengherankan. Pasalnya selain didukung skenario yang bagus, sutradaranya adalah Lin He Long yang sukses di sejumlah serial seperti Devil Beside You, Corner with Love dan Romantic Princess.
Yang menarik, sutradara Lin yang dikenal emosional mengaku bahwa kebiasaannya yang suka memarahi aktor dan aktris yang diarahkannya terhenti saat bekerja sama dengan Jerry. Menurutnya, hal itu dikarenakan pria bernama panjang Yan Cheng Xu itu sangat serius dan kerap malah mengoreksi kesalahannya sendiri.(berbagai sumber/mdL)
Posted On at di 5:06 PM by demithackLaptop Rusak, Wu Zun Takut Foto-Foto Pribadinya Tersebar
, Taiwan - Di dunia yang semakin modern, memahami perkembangan teknologi adalah keharusan bagi selebritis. Hal itu juga dilakukan oleh Wu Zun, yang belum lama ini kelabakan saat laptop kesayangannya dikabarkan rusak.
Begitu mendengar bahwa bagian laptop-nya yang rusak memerlukan waktu dua bulan untuk bisa diganti, Wu Zun kabarnya begitu kuatir. Bahkan dari jauh-jauh hari, ia mewanti-wanti pihak manajemen untuk mengirim salah seorang staf demi memperhatikan proses perakitan dari awal sampai akhir.
Ketakutan personil Fahrenheit itu yang sangat berlebihan keruan saja mencuatkan dugaan ada 'sesuatu' didalam laptopnya yang sangat pribadi dan tidak boleh bocor ke media supaya kejadian serupa yang menimpa Edison Chen dan akhirnya berkembang jadi skandal berskala besar tidak terulang. Benarkah begitu?
Ketika ditanya soal foto apa saja yang membuatnya begitu takut membetulkan laptop, Wu Zun dengan wajah malu menyebut, "Tidak ada foto yang berlebihan kok, paling cuma gambar-gambar diriku tanpa mengenakan baju." Ungkapan tersebut semakin menegaskan kalau pria kelahiran 1979 tersebut ternyata memang narsis seperti yang pernah dilontarkan sejumlah pihak.
Belakangan sambil tersenyum bandel, pria bernama asli Goh Kiat Cun menyebut bahwa laptop-nya juga berisi foto-foto orang lain dan salah satunya yang tidak boleh dilihat orang lain adalah klip dimana rekannya Calvin Chen berdansa striptease.
Namun dengan cepat Wu Zun menambahkan bahwa Calvin tidak benar-benar streaptease, hanya saja gerakan tubuhnya terlihat begitu lucu saat meliuk-liuk dan (pastinya) akan sangat memalukan bila jadi kosnsumsi publik. Wah, jadi pengen lihat nih..........(libertytimes/mdL)